Carline Procedures
Please carefully read the following procedures for carline arrival and dismissal.

- Carline begins at 7:15 a.m. when the building opens
- Students not at their desk by 7:40 a.m. will be counted tardy
- Enter campus in a single line on University Drive
- Students will exit the vehicle in front of the main building, assisted by staff
- To ensure safety, all vehicles must wait to be dismissed; do not pull around another car
- All vehicles will exit onto Bird St.

- Carline begins at 3:00 pm; please do not begin lining up until this time.
- All students must be picked up by 3:20 pm.
- Enter campus by turning right from University Drive. We have agreed with our neighbors at St. Anne’s school that our carline traffic will avoid the roundabout on Bird Street and enter on University Drive from the direction of Eden Terrace.
- Be sure to display your car tag clearly on your dashboard.
- Watch for staff directions and be cautious when exiting the car line.
- All vehicles will exit by turning right on Bird Street.

Bus Program
Ascent Classical Academy of Fort Mill offers a paid bus program for families who require assistance with daily transportation.
- Frequency: daily transportation to and from school
- Bus stop: CrossRidge Cafe, 2001 Parkway Dr., Indian Land, SC 29707
- Bus pick-up: 7 a.m.
- Bus drop-off: 3:30 p.m.
- Cost: $8 per student per day
– Parents and guardians will be asked to commit to one semester at a time to ensure we have adequate availability.
– If this cost presents a financial hardship for your family, please submit the form below and include in the final question that you would like more information about payment plans or, for those eligible for financial assistance, reduced costs.
To register for the bus program, please complete the form below. The 2024-2025 Bus Program Agreement may be signed below or printed and brought in to the front office.